Karen Cullinan South African , b. 1968
Throughout various phases of our lives, we find ourselves amidst turbulence and transition. These are instances when external or internal circumstances—be they physical, emotional, or spiritual—usher in change, growth, or heightened awareness. This artwork speaks to the process of navigating through these challenging circumstances to ultimately yield a more abundant life.
Upon closer examination of the dots and dashes within the piece, one can discern the Morse Code representation of the word "Life." This incorporation of Morse Code, often associated with distress signals, cleverly underscores the concept. Through this artistic approach, I endeavor to deconstruct the experience of a turbulent situation and tether it to enduring truth. In my personal context, this endeavor was prompted by a cancer diagnosis and the subsequent intense treatment—a journey I likened to a prolonged underwater lap. Paradoxically, the treatment, comprising both Red and White Chemotherapy, although toxic to the body, granted me a renewed lease on life.
In a similar vein, life's circumstances that may initially appear perilous can, when confronted and endured, culminate in a richer existence. This artwork encapsulates the profound notion that traversing through adversity can lead to the emergence of a more profound form of life.
- Karen Cullinan